5 Tips To Cure Headache Without Using Drug
We consider Headache as a minor thing but if care is not taking,it might be very disastrous to our brain with time.

1. Stop Headaches Before They Happen
3. Try Vitamins, Minerals, or Herbs
Depending upon theDepending upon the severity of your symptoms or other medical conditions (diabetes, allergies, etc.), your doctor may recommend a headache specialist, who can perform a more in-depth evaluation of the cause of your pain and offer personalized treatment solutions to help prevent future episodes.
Having less bucks to get a drug to cure it is not an excuse to cause damage to your brain when there are home remedies to cure it without any appointment with Docs or using Drugs:
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Have a headache? You’re not alone. About seven in 10 people have at least one headache a year, and 45 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches, according to the American College of Physicians. Even kids have to contend with that occasional pounding pain in the head ─ two out of three children will have a headache by age 15.
Tension headaches are most common. The pain usually feels like a contraction of muscles that covers your skull and acts like a vice grip around your head. As the name implies, it’s most often the result of stress and lack of sleep.
While over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin or ibuprofen work for many people with headaches, these medications can lead to overuse if taken more than a few times per week. Pain relievers that contain caffeine can backfire and exacerbate headaches.
Here are five proven approaches to headache relief:
The best strategy is not to get headaches in the first place. This is easier said than done, but consider these recommendations:
- One of the most effective things you can do is keep to a schedule. Doing so can significantly offset your stress and keep headaches at bay.
- Maintain good hydration.
- Both light cardio and stretching exercises are effective at controlling stress and minimizing headaches.
- Get seven to eight hours of sleep a night and take just 15 minutes to devote to some meditative relaxation strategies before bed. (Falling asleep to the daily news report on television can have the opposite effect.)
- When using electronic devices for more than 15 minutes, look away every 10 to 15 minutes and focus on another object to avoid eye strain. Get up, stretch, breath in fresh air. Work in a space that is bright and well ventilated.
2. Eat (or Avoid) These Foods
One of the most useful home remedies for reducing headache and migraine pain involves is changing your diet. People with chronic headaches often learn by trial and error which foods and beverages to avoid. But some foods and nutrients seem to help prevent and offset headache pain, such as:
- Spinach (vitamin B)
- Fatty fish (omega-3s)
- Watermelon (water)
Foods that can actually cause headaches and migraine pain include:
- Foods containing nitrates
- Dairy products
- Chocolate
- Peanut butter
- Avocadoes
- Bananas
- Citrus fruits
Even if you have to deal with a few headaches a month, consider taking a supplement as a preventative measure. Keep in mind, different supplements work for different people. Over the course of a few months, try each of these one at a time to figure out which works best for you.
I recommend these vitamins, minerals, and herbs to my patients:
Magnesium. For people with deficiencies in magnesium, I recommend taking 400 milligrams (mg) daily to improve symptoms. Patients with kidney disease should consult with their doctor before taking this mineral, however.
Butterbur (petasites root). This herb can help reduce the frequency of attacks by lessening inflammation. A randomized trial found that people who took 75 mg twice a day had about half as many migraines as usual over a four-month period. Avoid butterbur during pregnancy and if you have liver problems.
Coenzyme Q10. This popular vitamin-like substance found in meats and seafood can also boost the brain’s energy metabolism. I recommend a dose of 100 mg three times daily.
Vitamin B2 ( riboflavin). This vitamin speeds up brain metabolism, which seems to be beneficial for those with migraines. Take 400 mg per day.
4. Go for Acupuncture
Acupuncture has a long tradition as a treatment for several medical conditions, including headaches and migraines. Studies found that acupuncture patients reported 62 percent headache relief versus only 45 percent who used medication.
5. Learn Pain Control With Biofeedback
Biofeedback is typically used to treat chronic pain and people dealing with high levels of stress. With the assistance of a biofeedback therapist, patients are connected to electrical sensors that receive information (feedback) about the body (bio). This feedback helps you focus on making subtle changes in your body, such as relaxing certain muscles to release stress and lessen pain symptoms. The goal of this alternative therapy is to teach people how to control bodily responses — easing tight muscles, for example — to prevent and lessen headache and other types of pain.
When to See Your Doctor About Headaches
If your headaches increase in frequency or severity, it’s time to see your primary care physician. Before your visit, jot down the frequency of your pain and any triggers that you feel may have contributed to them. Also chart the severity of each headache between one and 10 ─ is it a dull pain that doesn’t keep you from performing your usual activities or a debilitating migraine that sends you to a darkened room?
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