#10 Qualities Of A Good Husband

I know almost all women want to know if their fiancé is going to be a good husband material before they step to church for the sacred bond
This are what you need to notice about your man to know if he's a going to be a good husband in the future 

One thing common to most girls irrespective of their nature. They always love to be loved, to be made feel special, to get the proper care from her partner. Yes, they do wait for their Prince Charming but girls these days are sensible enough to know that all men have their faults and drawbacks. And satisfying girls is not difficult as it seems or gets portrayed. The following qualities, if you’ve in you or you can grow them, your girl will be the happiest in the world.

1. Trust:

  • The basis of any relationship is trust and without this, no relationship can complete even a day.
  • The most important quality that you should possess to become the perfect husband is trustworthiness. With growing trust, the relation becomes stronger.  

2. Passion:

  • If you support your wife’s passion and give time to fulfill her hobbies, she just can’t ask for anything more. Keep your relationship healthy with her.
  • It does not mean that you’ve been part of her hobbies, going out for a walk or a jog or doing the groceries together.
  • Girls value these small things a lot, and it shows on her face and body. If you readily volunteer, she will be the happiest girl in the world.

3. Love For Kids:

  • All girls love kids, whether it is theirs or not. The same can’t be said about men, though.
  • If you share the same love that she has for kids, then you have struck the right chord in maintaining a healthy relationship and being a hero in her eyes.
  • It will also mean to her that you’ll become a great father, but this doesn’t mean that men who do not do so don’t become great fathers.
  • If you feel irritated having kids near you, your wife will not like that at all. But if you’re OK with making faces, pulling cheeks or bearing the caprices of the kids, you can keep her happy.

4. Good Communication Skills:

  • It is another important aspect of having a stable and fruitful relationship. If you’re able to connect with your wife without any ifs or buts, then you two have a strong bond.
  • All your confusions can get solved easily. She should be able to express her thoughts easily to you and the vice versa.
  • There should never be any communication barriers between the two. It will also keep your egos at bay.

5. Compassionate:

  • As you’re her pillar of strength and support, she should be able to cling on to you. It will only be possible if you support her.
  • You should listen to her problems, private or professional, and try to offer possible solutions.
  • Even if you’re unable to help, the eagerness and warmth are enough to melt her heart.

6. Compromising:

  • It is another key factor in a steady relationship. Both the parties in a marriage need to compromise to make it work.
  • Compromising doesn’t mean sacrificing a lot. Let’s say you chose to stay away from your night out when your wife is ill or facing some problems. It will make her sure that she’s your highest priority.

7. Faithful:

  • Being truthful in any relationship is highly significant. The more you remain faithful to her, the longer the relationship stands.
  • If you ever cheat on her, no matter you do to win her lost faith for you, that one blemish will never let her believe you wholly.
  • It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t talk with other women, but your wife should always be the top priority.

8. Dependable:

  • As a husband, you should be dependable, and this is something that all wives try to find in their spouses.
  • She should be able to depend on you, and you should be earnest enough not to let her down. The thing can as trivial as buying the grocery or making her decide or give her plans about how to plan her next girl’s party.
  • Your relationship will never face any hindrance if she can rely on you.

9. Strong Sense Of Humor:

  • Most girls out there are fun loving. They always look for a man who has a great sense of humor. Revitalize it with her. I bet She'll love it 
  • A boring or authoritarian partner is a strict no for her, but one who makes her laugh and giggle will easily win over her heart.
  • It’s difficult to find a guy who has a good sense of humor, and if you can be one for your wife, you’ve just hit the jackpot.
  • After a hard day at house or office, if you’re able to make her laugh or plan something crazy with her, she will be so happy to be with you.

Read more on our relationship Tips 

10. Indulgence:

  • There’s one similarity between girls and kids, and that is they both love getting pampered. If you indulge your girl for no reason at all, your relationship will always go strong.
  • When you pamper your partner, it means a lot to her. It means you care for her, love her and want to see her happy.
  • When it comes to pampering, it’s not that your partner expects a lavish treat or an expensive gift. It can be as simple as giving a hug in the morning, sending a sudden love-filed letter or mail, making her bed tea in the morning. These small gesticulations of yours will make her blindly love you.
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